Thursday, April 23, 2009

I need a vacation

School is going good. I start my clinicals at a new location on Monday. This is going to be a good opportunity for me because I will be learning directly under the owner of the school now instead of my friend. She is a good teacher and all, and I learned a lot from her when it came to Swedish massage but now I want to learn Thai Massage. Things like that she isn't interested in learning because she doesn't want to go back to school to take the time to learn it. That's where I come in. If I learn all these new and up and coming techniques for massage that are becoming increasingly popular, then that will bring in more money for me.

Went to the Doctor a few days ago, so far as I know, I am healthy. That might change but we will see.

Work is getting more and more boring. Things are getting to the point where I am desperate for them to lay me off so I can find something else. They are going to FINALLY let go of the old man that sits next to me who doesn't do anything in a timely manner and who leaves at noon most days anyhow. He spent the better part of last week in the hospital getting stints put in his heart or something and he's still here "working" even though he could keel over at a moments notice.
What a waste of space. Normally I have a soft spot in my heart for the elderly but not for Chuckles. He is a waste of space. He needs to retire.

This weekend I am having a Yard Sale. I am shocked at how much stuff I have to sell. I never realized until I actually set all the stuff out in my basement to price and gathered all my things in boxes and WOW is there a lot. Its OK though cuz I will hopefully make a lot of money for mine and Dustin's Chicago trip next month. Plus, whatever I don't sell, I'm having Purple heart come and take away on Monday morning. maybe now the basement will finally be clean for a change since that is where all this crap is lol. My mom will sure be happy.

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